A Guide to Dart Games: Cricket, Killer, and Baseball


Darts is a popular game that has been enjoyed by people of all ages for many years. It requires skill, precision, and strategy. Among the various dart games, Cricket, Killer, and Baseball are three widely played variations. In this blog post, we will explore the rules, objectives, and key differences of these exciting dart games.


Cricket is a classic dart game that tests both accuracy and strategy. The game is usually played between two players or two teams. The objective of Cricket is to score points by hitting specific numbers on the dartboard, namely 15 through 20 and the bullseye. The numbers 1 to 6 are typically excluded from scoring.

The game begins by taking turns to throw three darts each. Players aim to hit the numbers in play and "close" them by scoring three hits on each. Once a player closes a number, they can score points on that number while their opponent cannot. The game continues until all players have closed all numbers, and the player or team with the highest score wins.


Killer is a thrilling multiplayer dart game that requires both skill and strategy. It can be played with any number of players, but it is commonly enjoyed by four or more participants. The objective of Killer is to be the last player remaining with lives.

At the start of the game, each player is assigned a number of lives. Players take turns throwing one dart at a time, aiming to hit the double of their lives. When a player hits the double of their lives, they gain the “killer” status. When a player is a Killer they can take away lives of their opponents by aiming for their doubles! The last player with lives remaining is declared the winner.


Baseball is a dart game that adds a unique twist to the traditional scoring system. It can be played by two or more players or teams. The objective of Baseball is to score the most runs by hitting specific areas on the dartboard.

In Baseball, players take turns throwing three darts each. The dartboard is divided into nine "innings," representing the numbers 1 through 9. Players aim to hit the numbers in order, starting with 1 and progressing to 9. Each hit on the current inning's number scores a run. For example if you stick a dart in the first inning you get one run but if you stick one in the ninth inning you get 9 runs! However, if a player fails to hit the current inning's number, they receive an "out." The game continues until all nine innings are completed, and the player or team with the most runs wins. If the game is tied after the ninth inning there is extra inning, that means that you continue onto a 10th inning with the 10 as the target, after it would be the 11 and so on as a clear winner is determined.


Dart games like Cricket, Killer, and Baseball offer unique challenges and endless entertainment for players of all skill levels. Whether you prefer the strategic gameplay of Cricket, the competitive nature of Killer, or the baseball-inspired scoring system of Baseball, these dart games provide hours of fun and excitement. So gather your friends, grab your darts, and enjoy the thrill of these fantastic dart games!


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